Sunday, September 6, 2009

Map of Lanzhou

Click on the title of this post and see google map I just made. A great set of pictures can be found at Some of the collection were taken by one of my colleagues here, Yao Bin.


  1. Enjoy your time in Lanzhou. Hope my site about the city is useful:


  2. Dear Sarah,

    This is a comment about all you have imparted up to this point (Monday, Sept. 6, 2009, 11:28 a.m. central time, Ames, IA, USA).
    I am drop-jawwed, aghast, agog, amazed at your courage. Know that I, for one, am inspired by your
    boldness, brutal honesty, and how you are sharing.
    WOW. I am forwarding this to several hand-picked friends.
    I am now bound to "mess with people" from this moment forward. No holds barred, sistah.

    S. Norris

  3. Hi Sarah, likewise, I've heard about the spitting, but I never imagined it to be so pervasive. Yuck! I can just see the backward bend, followed by the whip-action of hips and shoulders and neck, producing maximum velocity of the projectile.

    I'm curious about that giant dartboard. It looks like pretty big. What is it?

    Have you met your students or your administrators? Really curious to hear about that, too.

  4. wow - glad to finally break through the FB censor and to be able to hear all about your journey.
